How to avoid scammers when buying property in Northern Cyprus?
Check the documents and permissions of the company for real estate activities in the country; find out the nationality of the developers. Under the laws of the Republic of Cyprus, only local or Greek companies are entitled to conduct real-estate development.
If such a condition is in the description of an Azerbaijani or any other company, it is false information; Only local citizens can also be the owners of a company under the laws of the Republic; check the documents for the land on which the building is located, so that it does no longer turn out that the property is on “alien” land; go to a meeting with a solicitor who draws up a contract with you to conclude a transaction – he should be a Cypriot and have a license; it is worth going to the chosen object in person and checking whether it meets the stated characteristics. Avoid unfinished business. It is cheaper, but it is more likely that you won't get your legal square meters. Don’t see too attractive prices. In the process, the cost can either be higher, the seller may take the money and disappear, or the buyer can get into trouble.